- First name (Exactly match with your issued on the SIN number paper, or on any CRA letters)
- Last name (Exactly match with your issued on the SIN number paper, or on any CRA letters)
- SIN Number
- Marital Status
- Date of birth
- Date of arrival to Canada if you landed in Canada in 2020.
- The amount of income in the foreign country (your home country)
- T4 slip (If it is applicable)
- T4A slip (If it is applicable)
- T4E slip (If it is applicable)
- T5 slip (If it is applicable)
- T4RIF statement of income form a registered income fund (If it is applicable)
- Tuition Fee slip form 2202 (If it is applicable)
- Child Care expenses (If it is applicable)
- Health and medical expenses which are not covered by insurance.
- The information of property sold by you in the 2020, if it was over $100K
- RRSP Contribution
- If you spilt pension income with your spouse (Form T1032)
- Disability tax credit (Form T2201)
- Moving expenses
- Rental Property income (Rent) & Expenses (Mortgage interest, Insurance, property taxes, and any other expenses related to property). If you rent part of your property, please let us know what percentage of your property rented.
- Personal business income & expenses. If you have personal business, please let us know how much you made and how much you paid for your business.
- Employee expenses (work from home due to Covid-19) forms 777S & 2200S, the maximum claimable amount is $400.00