2023 Personal Tax Filing Announcement- Tax News – Canada

Based on CRA announcement, all individuals will be able to file income tax for 2023 starting on February 20, 2023. The deadline for most Canadians to file their income tax return for 2023 is April 30, 2024

Also, all self-employed and contractors must file their taxes before June 15, 2024.

Please be aware that all individuals who owes tax must pay the owing amount before April 30, 2024.

Please download and fill out the Forms below and email them to [email protected]

If you have any specific situation or are eligible for additional benefits you can find the forms in other documents provided in this page. These benefits are:

  1. GST credit: if you are single, you may be eligible for $496.00, if you are married or have a common-law partner, you may be eligible for $650.00, and for each child under 19 years old, you may be eligible for $171.00. You should download and complete the form RC151 and mail it to CRA: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/rc151.html          
  2. Grocery rebate: if you are single, you may be eligible for $234.00, if you are married or have a common-law partner, you may be eligible for $306.00, and for each child under 19 years old, you may be eligible for $81.00.
  3. Child Care Benefit: if you live with a child under 18 years od age, and you are responsible taking care of your child, and if you are a temporary, permanent resident or a Canadian resident and you live in Canada for over 18 months, you are eligible to get Child care benefit. You should download and complete the form RC66 and mail it to CRA: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/rc66.html
  4. Disability tax credit: if you have a special medical condition, you may be qualify for a Disability Tax Credit (DTC) you will need the special form completed and certified by your family physician and you need to send it to CRA, after receiving CRA approval, you will be qualify for a group of benefits. You may find the list of the medical condition by clicking the link: https://maxprofinancials.ca/news/list-of-medical-conditions-that-can-be-qualified-for-disability-tax-credit-for-2022-personal-tax-filing/      
  5. First time home buyer: if you purchased a home as the first home buyer, you’ll have a credit of up to $1,500.00, you’ll see the link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/federal-government-budgets/budget-2022-plan-grow-economy-make-life-more-affordable/first-time-home-buyers-tax-credit.html           
  6. Childcare Expenses:
  7. Professional Fess:
  8. Donations
  9. Medical Expenses
  10. Tuition Fees

If you think you have completed all the forms that is required for your case, please send them all in one email for us.

Do not hesitate to ask us at [email protected] or (778) 951-1269, (403) 437-6016. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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