2021 personal Tax return documents and info needed

  1. First name (Exactly match with your issued on the SIN number paper, or on any CRA letters)
  2. Last name (Exactly match with your issued on the SIN number paper, or on any CRA letters)
  3. SIN Number
  4. Full Address
  5. Telephone number
  6. Marital Status
  7. Date of birth
  8. Date of arrival to Canada if you landed in Canada in 2021.
  9. The amount of income in the foreign country (your home country)
  10. T4 slip (If it is applicable)
  11. T4A slip (If it is applicable)
  12. T4E slip (If it is applicable)
  13. T5 slip (If it is applicable)
  14. T4RIF statement of income form a registered income fund (If it is applicable)
  15. Tuition Fee slip form 2202 (If it is applicable)
  16. Child Care expenses (If it is applicable)
  17. Health and medical expenses which are not covered by insurance.
  18. The information of property sold by you in the 2021, if it was over $100K
  19. RRSP Contribution
  20. If you spilt pension income with your spouse (Form T1032)
  21. Disability tax credit (Form T2201)
  22. Moving expenses
  23. Rental Property income (Rent) & Expenses (Mortgage interest, Insurance, property taxes, and any other expenses related to property). If you rent part of your property, please let us know what percentage of your property rented.
  24. Personal business income & expenses. If you have personal business, please let us know how much you made and how much you paid for your business.
  25. Employee expenses (work from home due to Covid-19) forms 777S & 2200S, the maximum claimable amount is $500.00 but if you received the 2200S form from your employer, stating that you’re eligible to claim your home office expense, you’ll have more refund.
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